
16 / 29 - 06 - 2009

16 - 06 > 20h

Fulvio Tornese

Dipinge da sempre, i suoi soggetti preferiti  sono paesaggi urbani, frammenti di città reali ed immaginarie.
Dipinge utilizzando tecniche tradizionali su tela, carta e tavola e tecniche innovative come “digital painting”.



He has been painting since he was a teenager. His works are landscapes made of houses and fragments of imaginary cities .He makes use of traditional techniques on canvas, board and paper and experiments innovative techniques like digital painting.

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Fulvio Tornese


Objetos exclusivos de artistas y diseñadores
Objectes exclusius d'artistes i dissenyadors
Exclusive artists and designers artworks
Objets d'artistes et de dessinateurs
lunes a viernes y domingos 17-21h
sábados 11-21h

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dilluns a divendres i diumenges 17-21h
dissabtes 11 a 21h

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Open: Monday to Friday and Sunday: 17-21h
Saturday : 11-21h

closed on Tuesday
Consell de Cent 264,1º - 08011-Barcelona 2006