Nuria Manso Loop 2020 (English)

LOOP Festival 2020

Nuria Manso.  Craziness, laughter and death  2020.

Iconography is a science developed during the first half of the XX century by Edwin Panofsky who considers the visual image to be a carrier of formal interests and intrinsic contents.  Therefore we must think of a work of art with a living value full of meaning and carrier of cultural ideas.  These principles can be fully extrapolated to the videographic productions of the artist Núria Manso (Barcelona 1960).

The basis of her current artistic work are processed images which become a way of thinking.  Previously the artist had created the possibility of linked images where, as well as the value and significance of each image on its own, it was necessary to look for a global meaning.  We could place Núria Manso´s present artistic period as a producer of creation videos following a complex and productive videographic period called Dokuart (exhibited at the Centre d´Art Santa Mónica, Barcelona 2011).

Since then, her videographic works, simpler and less grandiose, haven taken place year after year.  The foundation of her work is conceptually similar to other previous photographic works done by her, treating multiple images simultaneously.  Presently her videos are animated images that take place one after another.  They are graphic documents of previous artistic installations or photographic sequences of past experiences during vital moments of the artist´s life.

Núria Manso will show three of her latest videos at the Loop Festival 2020 (she has participated in previous editions through the RED3 and H20 galleries in Barcelona).  The first of these three videos ¨I si son coses nostres¨ (And if it is something of ours ) 2019 broaches the subject of madness drawing from personal experiences and past memories, which she combines with a sequence of brain scans.  Personal life and artistic reality mix in a chaotic sequence that takes us deep into the false realities of those states that are close to delirium.


I SI SON COSES NOSTRES (English Subtitled)


¨Xiuxiuejant¨  (Whispering) 2020 is an allegory to laughter and states of happiness. Images of feet and travellers on the subway are mixed with looks and laughter of the artist, as if she couldn´t hold back.  The images which follow each other rapidly, create a confrontation with the viewer due to this semantic and iconographic diversity between inciting laughter and the travellers with their feet.

Núria Manso.XIUXIUEJANT (English subtitled)


If the year 2020 passess into the annals of history it will be due to the consequences that the coronavirus pandemic brought with it.  All artistic work will be impregnated by this unwanted situation.  The two previous videos were done before the outbreak of the pandemic and it remains to be seen if an element of premonititon existed.  Núria Manso’s latest video was made during the post confinement period and it touches upon death as its main subject.  The title of this work is ¨Quan tot s´acaba¨ 2020 (when it all comes to an end).


¨Quan tot s´acaba¨ presents us with a composed narrative about the end of life.  First of all showing us images from above taken from the highest points of emblematic buildings of Barcelona with a clear refernce to the sky and images from ¨above¨. Following this chain of images, we go on to view a sequence of rivers flowing along their course until they reach the sea.

Núria Manso. Quan tot s’acaba (English subtitled)


Thursday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. Live meeting by zoom with the artist Núria Manso and the curator Domènec Ribot, within the CityScreen Loop 2020.

Nuria Manso: LOOP 2020
Hora: 12 nov 2020 07:00 PM Madrid

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